We specialize in evaluating and treating ADHD in both adults and children in Kalmazoo, Three Rivers and beyond. We start with a careful assessment, where we determine whether your problems are consistent with ADHD and what your strengths and weaknesses are. From there, we use behavioral approaches that are practical and effective to help treat you or your child’s ADHD and help you to live your best, most productive life!

Take Our ADHD Self-Assessment Test
This quick 10 minute self-assessment test will give you glimpse of whether you may or may not have ADHD. Start getting answers today!
Let's Focus Together
Get the support you or your child deserves. ADHD testing and diagnosis can be the first step towards finding balance in your life again.
ADHD Evaluation and Services
Do you find your child procrastinating? Do they often day dream in school? Are you constantly running late, or find that you never have enough time? If any of this sounds familiar, you or your child may have ADHD.
ADHD Evaluations Process
Is it simply lack of motivation or ADHD? What do I need to do to prepare for a session? Does Kalamazoo ADHD take insurace? Find answers to these questions and more by clicking the button below.
Ready to Get Started?
Take the first step towards making a difference in your life, or that of your child’s. We’re here for you at Kalamazoo ADHD.